fredag den 14. september 2012

Na nga def!

Well, big step for Cille! I have decided to make my own blog while I am in Senegal for the next 6 months. I am not quite sure how I will use it yet, but I guess I will post the latest new and thoughts when I have access to some internet.

Here in my first post I can tell you that I have arrived well in a surprisingly chaotic and strange city, Dakar. I have spent my first days in what I think is a cultural chock, trying to adjust my expectations and habits to the surroundings. Here there are mainly dirt roads, goats in the streets, few trafic lights; all in all not what I thought the capital would look like. People generally live under humble conditions in simple homes, driving worn-out cars, just getting by, but they know all their neighbors who they of course share everything with. I cannot even begin explaining all the things that are so fundamentally different from the reality I know from home. It is fascinated and overwhelming at the same time. I have to go with the flow and see what it brings, I think.

I am renting a room at one of my co-workers from ENDA where I share a living room, bathroom (no toilet seat!?) and a kitchen with her and her family. They are very friendly and Cécile (yes that's her name) is a great support, introducing me to the rest of the staff here at ENDA, as well as to the Senegalese life style. I have not yet started working, since the person responsible for my internship is not in town at the moment (no rush, we're in Africa). Hopefully he will be here on Monday and can give me some directions. I should not complain, I have enjoyed having some days to digest and read up on ENDA's current projects.

I can also report that it is hot hot HOT!! It is 35 degrees and even the locals are sweating. We are eagerly awaiting the rain. Heavy clouds but - no rain. Nevertheless, winter is coming soon with temperatures down to 20 degrees! Today I brought my camera to work to I have attached a picture from the office I am sitting in at the moment and the view from the top of the building (center of Dakar).

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